Prowisdom Growth connects aspiring professionals and students of schools, colleges across India to some of the most experienced and knowledgeable global academicians and corporate executives of the industry in India and across the globe. This is a platform to connect, learn, collaborate and strengthen peer to peer learning across geographies, thus creating economic value for its subscribers and their family. The services offered are designed to empower people, enabling them with means to progress on the path “of achieving their personal and professional goals” in a structured and measurable manner.
- Drupal/PHP based application portal.
- Multi login approach to access the vast content.
- Online registration/subscription option available.
- Portal design structured in such a way that users can efficiently access material from any remote location with internet connectivity.
- Administrator enabled to manage content across courses and levels.
- Option for external users to directly upload the content such as Jobs or Internship details to the portal.
Technology stack
- Linux
- Apache